Category: ABA Training Articles

Why do children with ASD have trouble communicating? Spontaneous communication is when communication is initiated voluntarily and is not a form of response. Some children may be non-verbal, while some can be verbal but have trouble speaking spontaneously. These children may have an extensive vocabulary and may be able to speak and respond to questions but […]

A common question parents have when enrolling their child in an ABA therapy program is the location for treatment. Often, parents wonder if having ABA treatment at home is better than the center-based option and vice versa. Additionally, parents may be concerned that they may not have enough resources at home for the therapist to […]

This special FAQ edition will cover some of the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding School Readiness, including a guide on choosing the right program. We also address some parents’ concerns about enrolling in a School Readiness Group Program, such as how a good School Readiness Group Program would benefit your child and know if […]

What are some skills I should teach my child with ASD to prepare him for school? Why is it important to prepare my child with autism for school? What are school readiness skills? For parents, making decisions about going to school can be exciting, but it can also be stressful at the same time! Additionally, […]

Self-help skills (also known as self-care skills, independent skills, daily living, or life skills) are basic everyday skills that a person needs to have in order to live independently. Typically developing children pick up self-help skills readily through daily exposure to their routines at school or in their homes. Although they might need some level […]

Getting dressed is part of everyone’s daily routine. Although it might seem straightforward to us, it requires many skills to complete. These skills include sustained attention, body awareness, coordination of our limbs, range of gross and fine motor skills, memory, sequencing of the task, planning, and organisation. Therefore, children with autism need to develop these […]

The challenging behavior presented by children with autism can be a concern for many families. These could be in the form of tantrums, meltdowns, and non-compliance. It could also be self-stimulatory behaviors such as high-pitched screaming, insistence on following a fixed routine, or repeatedly throwing things on the floor. Sometimes, families find it challenging to […]

Develop motivation to learn

Motivation can be defined as someone who is eager to accomplish a goal, as demonstrated by their desire, determination, and persistence. However, children with ASD often show little interest in learning the things we hope to teach them because of the lack of motivation to accomplish their goals. This may be due to a variety […]

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